PRAEVALIDUSPet basis ametfor protective film can be used for high-end printing film, inkjet film, protective film, aluminized film, composite film, hardened film, etc. Our products are well-known for their excellent performance and reliability and are widely used in high-end printing industry and packaging field.

Application Diagram
Quod productum specifications de pre-iactaretPet basis ametNam tutela amet includit scy series et scp13 et productum data sunt ostensum est in mensa.
Gradus | Unitas | SCY | Scp13 | ||
Fexaudio | \ | High Definition / Altus adhaesio / bonum Printability | High claritatem / Minimum Haze / Bene Cupidus perficientur | ||
Thickness | μm | 30 | 50 | 75 | 50 |
Tensile vires | MPA | 194/239 | 220/255 | 220/255 | 246/279 |
Elongatio ad confractus | % | 142/106 | 125/110 | 125/110 | 173/138 |
CL℃HcomedoShrinkage | % | 1.2 / 0,1 | 1.2 / -0.1 | 1.2 / -0.1 | 1.3 / 0.3 |
LentusTRassmittance | % | 91.1 | > LXXXIX | 90.9 | |
Haze | % | 3.10 | <3.0 | 1.55 | |
Claritas | % | 96.3 | \ | 99.3 | |
Productio locus | % | Nantong | Dongying | Nantong |
Note: I De Values sunt typical values, non praestatur values. II Praeterea, super products, sunt etiam products de variis crassitudinis, quae potest agi secundum elit necessitates. III% in mensa represents MD / TD.
Sicut productio-orientatur officinas, ut provectus productio apparatu et technica teams, potest providere customized uber solutions secundum elit necessitates. Nos stricte effectum deducendi qualis administratione ratio ut firmum et reliable uber qualitas. In eodem tempore providere flexibile productionem cycles et competitive prices ad creare maiorem valorem pro customers. Nos committitur providing customers cum altus-qualitas products et servicia, developing simul cum customers, et creando melius futurum.
Quod supra est detailed descriptio nostraePet basis amet products for protective films. We hope that it can meet your needs. If you are interested in our products or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our email address is We look forward to cooperating with you and developing together!
Post tempus: Sep 10-2024